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Coonplay Sampson Supreme
normal (4.01)
normal (1.00)
N: normal (1.00)
H: normal PP (1.00)
G: Blutgruppe N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. heterozygot
G: SMA normal
Avistacats Lestat Deux
Blazers Falcon
G: HCM A31P normal
Blazers Raven
Blazers Pia
Marala Snow White
Furbabies Preshus
Thunderpaws Hero Today
Lottawood Foxy Lady
Zita of Forster's Home
normal (7.00)
normal (5.00)
normal (3.00)
normal (1.00)
N: normal (1.00)
H: normal OFA (0.06)
P: normal/normal (4.02)
G: Blutgruppe N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
Urias of Forster's Home
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
Koonikats Wild Bill
normal (4.06)
normal (1.07)
H: HD 2 PP (1.01)
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
Koonikats Red Warrier
Koonikats Foxy Lady
Koonikats Liesa
normal (6.11)
normal (1.07)
H: HD 2 PP (1.07)
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
Koonikats Bootstrap Bill
Coonplay Believe in Faith
Avistacats Aimy
normal (4.07)
normal (1.09)
H: normal PP (1.02)
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
Codycats Antares
Codycats Rolls Royce Merlin
Dotcom Minerva
Avistacats Triple Tree
Blazers Falcon
G: HCM A31P normal
Amerrykoon P Kathryn Kay

*Herzschall: zertifiziert, unzertifiziert, N: Nierenschall, H: Hüftröntgen, P: Patellauntersuchung, G: Gentest (kleinere Schriftart: negativ durch Vorfahren). Die Zahlen in Klammern geben das Testalter in 'Jahren.Monaten' an.