Belushies Iris (Patchy)

Patchy's colour is something completely different here. I fell in love with her mother when I visited the breeder to look at Breeze. Later when I got the opportunity to get Patchy I could not resist, as she looks in color just like her mother.

Patchy is a curious playful cat, she pushes things from the table and carries bottle caps around. During cuddling she likes to wander around me. Patchy especially loves to be cuddled at the neck, then she pushes her neck even more against the caressing hand.

Patchy is mother of the F2, L2, P2 -litter.

Photo album
Pawpeds Entrie
Mcats Entrie
6,2 kg with 4 years
blue torbie cl. white
neutered female
10 years 8 months old
Test results:*
normal (3.00)
normal (0.10)
K: normal (3.00)
G: Bloodgroup N/b
G: HCM A31P normal
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
15,1% COI, 72,9% Top5, 39,4% Clones (Explanation of what these values mean)
ParentsGrandparentsGreat Grandparents
Velvet Jewels Magyk Flyte
normal (4.07)
normal (0.11)
G: HCM A31P normal
Coonyham Gold Rush
H: normal OFA (2.08)
G: HCM A31P normal
Coonyham Sundance
Coonquest Cimarron
Mainette Signature
G: HCM A31P normal
Oldestage Doc Holiday
Mainette Full Force Gale
Belushies Liavell
normal (5.02)
normal (1.03)
G: HCM A31P normal
Dracoonfly Bono
normal (1.01)
G: HCM A31P normal
Broadsway Billings
G: HCM A31P normal
Dracoonfly Crystal Bugger
G: HCM A31P normal
Coonfellas Imani
normal (2.04)
G: HCM A31P normal
Coonfellas Edison
Sarajen Fiona

*Heartscreening: certified, not certified, K: Kidneyscreening, H: Hip-xray, P: Patellascreening, G: Genetic test (smaller font: negative through ancestors). The numbers in () mean testing age in 'Years.Month'.