Yankee Cats Maine Coon - Testresults


Current breeding cats

CatHeart (HCM)Hips (HD)Patella
left / right
The numbers in brackets indicate the age in (years.months).
In kidney ultrasound (PKD) all are normal, either by their own ultrasound or by the ultrasound of their ancestors.
Yankee Cats Percy Gray
*19.4.2018 (6.10)
normal (3.01)
other (2.07)
normal (1.00)
Yankee Cats Nanuq the White Bear
*16.10.2018 (6.4)
normal (6.01)
normal (3.01)
normal (1.00)
HD 0,5 (0.11)
normal / normal (0.11)
Yankee Cats Fe'lici'tas PPurrfect
*19.5.2020 (4.9)
normal (4.06)
normal (1.00)
normal (1.00)
normal (1.00)
(Dayo) Rhaegar PP of Magic Arcadia
*25.11.2020 (4.2)
normal (4.00)
normal (1.00)
normal (0.11)
normal (0.11)
normal / normal (0.11)
Yankee Cats White Patty Pan PP
*26.7.2021 (3.6)
normal (0.10)
borderline 0,25 (1.03)
Grad 1 / normal (1.03)
Caspian's Snowman
*10.1.2022 (3.1)
normal (0.10)
normal (0.10)
normal / normal (0.10)
Yankee Cats Ashly Aisling
*8.2.2022 (3.0)
normal (1.02)
normal (1.03)
normal / normal (1.03)
Yankee Cats Jadis the White Witch
*9.2.2023 (2.0)
normal (1.01)
borderline 0,25 (1.00)
normal / normal (1.00)
Yankee Cats Made In Heaven PP
*21.11.2023 (1.2)
normal (1.01)
normal / normal (1.01)


Already since 1999 I do regulary ultrasound scans on my cats for HCM and other heart diseases untill old age, at that time as one of the first. After visiting various cardiologists and veterinarians at the beginning, Dr. Robert Höpfner is now the cardiologist of my confidence since 2012. He is registered with Pawpeds, a member of the Collegicum Cardiologicum, and has completed the extensive CVIM training. It is important to me not only to scan the current breeding animals, but also their ancestors up to the age of 10. Here is a list of all test results so far:

(Dayo) Rhaegar PP of Magic Arcadia 2024-11-28 normal 4.00
Yankee Cats Nanuq the White Bear 2024-11-28 normal 6.01
Yankee Cats Fe'lici'tas PPurrfect 2024-11-28 normal 4.06
Yankee Cats Viva Las Vegas 2024-04-05 normal 4.05
Yankee Cats Jadis the White Witch 2024-04-05 normal 1.01
Yankee Cats Angel of Joy 2023-11-17 normal 10.00
Yankee Cats Izzy Stevens 2023-11-17 normal 9.03
Yankee Cats Ashly Aisling 2023-05-05 normal 1.02
Yankee Cats Velika Sanjarica 2023-05-05 normal 1.02
Floh of Forster's Home 2022-11-18 normal 7.10
Caspian's Snowman 2022-11-18 normal 0.10
Fragglerocks Katjes Frozen Yoghurt 2022-06-10 normal 5.00
Yankee Cats White Patty Pan PP 2022-06-10 normal 0.10
Yankee Cats Nanuq the White Bear 2021-12-03 normal 3.01
(Dayo) Rhaegar PP of Magic Arcadia 2021-12-03 normal 1.00
Olala PP of Magic Arcadia 2021-12-03 normal 3.10
Yankee Cats Fe'lici'tas PPurrfect 2021-05-28 normal 1.00
Yankee Cats Liv Lizrael 2021-05-28 normal 10.04
Yankee Cats Q's Joylani Alokea 2021-05-28 normal 0.10
Yankee Cats Angel of Joy 2020-11-20 normal 7.00
Yankee Cats Viva Las Vegas 2020-11-20 normal 1.01
Floh of Forster's Home 2020-06-19 normal 5.05
Fragglerocks Katjes Frozen Yoghurt 2020-06-19 normal 3.00
Yankee Cats Xcalibear at Shade-a-lot 2020-06-19 normal 10.05
Yankee Cats Nanuq the White Bear 2019-11-08 normal 1.00
Olala PP of Magic Arcadia 2019-05-10 normal 1.03
Zita of Forster's Home 2019-05-10 normal 7.00
Wild Harmony's Gänseblümchen 2018-11-30 normal 8.06
Yankee Cats Angel of Joy 2018-11-30 normal 5.00
Floh of Forster's Home 2018-05-04 normal 3.03
Fragglerocks Katjes Frozen Yoghurt 2018-05-04 normal 0.10
Yankee Cats Nizhoni Navajos beauty 2018-05-04 normal 1.10
Yankee Cats Lakota Kiksuyapi 2017-11-17 normal 14.00
Yankee Cats Xcalibear at Shade-a-lot 2017-11-17 normal 7.09
Rosenrot of Forster's Home 2017-11-17 normal 3.11
Zita of Forster's Home 2017-05-05 normal 5.00
Yankee Cats Liv Lizrael 2017-05-05 normal 6.03
Yankee Cats Angel of Joy 2016-11-11 normal 3.00
Belushies Iris 2016-11-11 normal 3.00
Floh of Forster's Home 2016-04-06 normal 1.02
Snickers Maximus of Forster's Home 2016-04-06 normal 1.00
Yankee Cats Masamune Katana 2016-04-06 normal 1.07
Yankee Cats Izzy Stevens 2015-11-10 normal 1.02
Yankee Cats Xcalibear at Shade-a-lot 2015-10-30 normal 5.09
Coonplay Sampson Supreme 2015-10-30 normal 4.01
Yankee Cats Quigley 2015-10-30 normal 10.03
Rosenrot of Forster's Home 2015-05-30 normal 1.05
Zita of Forster's Home 2015-05-30 normal 3.00
Wild Harmony's Gänseblümchen 2015-05-30 normal 5.00
Yankee Cats Leo's bright shining star 2014-09-13 normal 3.02
Belushies Iris 2014-09-13 normal 0.10
Yankee Cats Liv Lizrael 2014-09-13 normal 3.07
Yankee Cats Centenary Diamond 2014-09-13 normal 1.01
Yankee Cats Angel of Joy 2014-09-13 normal 0.10
Yankee Cats Xcalibear at Shade-a-lot 2014-02-15 normal 4.00
Yankee Cats Quigley 2013-05-11 normal 7.09
Zita of Forster's Home 2013-05-11 normal 1.00
Coonplay Sampson Supreme 2012-10-06 normal 1.00
Belushies Breeze 2012-10-06 normal 1.00
Yankee Cats Leo's bright shining star 2012-05-12 normal 0.10
Yankee Cats Liv Lizrael 2012-05-12 normal 1.03
Yankee Cats Xilver Princess Overjoyd 2012-05-12 normal 2.03
Wild Harmony's Gänseblümchen 2012-05-12 normal 1.11
Yankee Cats Xcalibear at Shade-a-lot 2011-03-11 normal 1.01
Yankee Cats Quigley 2011-03-11 normal 5.07
Wild Harmony's Gänseblümchen 2011-03-11 normal 0.09
Yankee Cats Garibaldi 2011-03-11 normal 9.08
Gladür's Roxette's Joy Ride 2009-10-16 normal 2.00
Yankee Cats Garibaldi 2009-06-30 normal 8.00
Mainewalk Laura 2008-03-25 normal 1.07
Unicoon Micaje Tanka 2008-03-25 normal 8.00
Falko vom Engelshügel 2008-03-25 HCM mild 3.04
Falko vom Engelshügel 2007-11-06 normal 3.00
Bogy Cat's Flower Fantasy 2007-11-06 normal 1.03
Yankee Cats Quigley 2007-11-05 normal 2.03
Yankee Cats Garibaldi 2007-11-05 normal 6.04
Yankee Cats Named B'Elanna 2006-05-15 normal 1.11
Arwen Edtolien Anorien 2006-05-15 normal 0.11
Falko vom Engelshügel 2006-05-15 normal 1.06
Yankee Cats Oshonee 2006-05-15 HCM moderate 1.10
Unicoon Micaje Tanka 2005-11-20 normal 5.07
Falko vom Engelshügel 2005-11-20 normal 1.00
Yankee Cats Oshonee 2005-11-20 normal 1.04
Yankee Cats Garibaldi 2005-11-18 normal 4.05
Big Sinclairs Peggy March 2004-06-14 normal 0.11
Pillowtalk Luna 2004-06-14 normal 3.02
Yankee Cats Garibaldi 2004-06-14 normal 3.00
Yaheska Magic Mercury 2003-06-07 equivocal 0.08
Unicoon Micaje Tanka 2003-06-07 normal 3.02
Apanatchee of Chamberlain 2003-06-07 normal 3.10
Percy vom Weidebusch 2003-06-07 normal 6.01
Pillowtalk Luna 2003-06-07 normal 2.01
Nickidoll Ake 2003-03-14 normal 1.11
Yankee Cats Garibaldi 2003-03-14 normal 1.09
Unicoon Micaje Tanka 2002-01-15 normal 1.09
Apanatchee of Chamberlain 2002-01-15 normal 2.06
Percy vom Weidebusch 2001-07-16 normal 4.02
Percy vom Weidebusch 1999-05-07 normal 2.00


Although I do not know of any Maine Coon with PKD, I have the kidneys of my cats scanned by ultrasound. Unlike HCM, PKD requires only a single ultrasound from the age of one year to rule out the disease. If the parents are free from PKD, the children don't need to be scanned anymore. Therefore, significantly fewer test results can be found here. The ultrasound is also performed by Dr. Robert Höpfner, who is certified for this by BPT e.V.

Olala PP of Magic Arcadia 2019-05-10 normal 1.03
Rosenrot of Forster's Home 2017-11-17 normal 3.11
Belushies Iris 2016-11-11 normal 3.00
Floh of Forster's Home 2016-04-06 normal 1.02
Snickers Maximus of Forster's Home 2016-04-06 normal 1.00
Yankee Cats Leo's bright shining star 2014-09-13 normal 3.02
Yankee Cats Liv Lizrael 2014-09-13 normal 3.07
Yankee Cats Xcalibear at Shade-a-lot 2014-02-15 normal 4.00
Zita of Forster's Home 2013-05-11 normal 1.00
Coonplay Sampson Supreme 2012-10-06 normal 1.00
Belushies Breeze 2012-10-06 normal 1.00
Wild Harmony's Gänseblümchen 2012-05-12 normal 1.11
Yankee Cats Quigley 2008-10-10 normal 3.02
Mainewalk Laura 2008-10-10 normal 2.02
Yankee Cats Garibaldi 2004-06-14 normal 3.00


My cats are also examined on HD, with an X-ray of the hips which is evaluated by a specialist. In general, the recommendation is not to take cats with grade 1 out of breeding, but to mate them with HD-free partners. Hip ratings to date are listed here, sometimes duplicated if the recordings were rated by both my vet and a specialized agency (Pawpeds or OFA). Since these ratings always matched, my vet will do the rating in the future.

Yankee Cats Made In Heaven PP 2025-01-15 normal (VET normal / normal) 1.01
Yankee Cats Jadis the White Witch 2024-02-14 borderline 0,25 (VET borderline / normal) 1.00
Yankee Cats Ashly Aisling 2023-05-17 normal (VET normal / normal) 1.03
Yankee Cats Velika Sanjarica 2023-05-17 normal (VET normal / normal) 1.03
Caspian's Snowman 2022-11-16 normal (VET normal / normal) 0.10
Yankee Cats Jolene with ivory skin PP 2022-11-16 HD 1,75 (VET severe / borderline) 0.11
Yankee Cats White Patty Pan PP 2022-11-16 borderline 0,25 (VET normal / borderline) 1.03
(Dayo) Rhaegar PP of Magic Arcadia 2021-10-25 normal (OFA good) 0.11
(Dayo) Rhaegar PP of Magic Arcadia 2021-10-25 normal (VET normal / normal) 0.11
Yankee Cats Q's Joylani Alokea 2021-10-25 HD 1 (OFA moderate unilateral) 1.03
Yankee Cats Q's Joylani Alokea 2021-10-25 HD (VET ) 1.03
Yankee Cats Viva Las Vegas 2021-10-25 normal (OFA good) 2.00
Yankee Cats Viva Las Vegas 2021-10-25 normal (VET normal / normal) 2.00
Yankee Cats Fe'lici'tas PPurrfect 2021-05-19 normal (OFA good) 1.00
Yankee Cats Fe'lici'tas PPurrfect 2021-05-19 normal (VET normal / normal) 1.00
Yankee Cats Lucky Lightning ICQ 2021-05-19 HD 0,5 (OFA mild unilateral) 1.00
Yankee Cats Lucky Lightning ICQ 2021-05-19 HD (VET ) 1.00
Yankee Cats Angel of Joy 2019-09-18 normal (OFA good) 5.10
Yankee Cats Nanuq the White Bear 2019-09-18 HD 0,5 (OFA mild unilateral) 0.11
Fragglerocks Katjes Frozen Yoghurt 2019-06-12 normal (OFA good) 2.00
Olala PP of Magic Arcadia 2019-06-12 normal (OFA fair) 1.04
Floh of Forster's Home 2016-07-04 normal (OFA good) 1.05
Floh of Forster's Home 2016-07-04 normal (VET normal / normal) 1.05
Snickers Maximus of Forster's Home 2016-07-04 normal (VET normal / normal) 1.03
Wild Harmony's Gänseblümchen 2012-11-29 HD 0,5 (OFA mild unilateral) 2.06
Yankee Cats Leo's bright shining star 2012-11-29 HD 1 (OFA mild) 1.04
Yankee Cats Liv Lizrael 2012-11-29 normal (OFA good) 1.10
Yankee Cats Xcalibear at Shade-a-lot 2012-11-29 HD 1 (OFA mild) 2.10
Zita of Forster's Home 2012-11-29 normal (OFA fair) 0.06
Coonplay Sampson Supreme 2012-10-01 normal (PP normal / normal) 1.00
Yankee Cats Leo's bright shining star 2012-10-01 HD 1,25 (PP borderline / 2) 1.03
Yankee Cats Xcalibear at Shade-a-lot 2011-04-18 HD 2 (PP 2 / 2) 1.02
Yankee Cats Xcalibear at Shade-a-lot 2011-04-18 normal (VET normal / normal) 1.02
Yankee Cats Xilver Princess Overjoyd 2011-04-18 normal (VET normal / normal) 1.02
Gladür's Roxette's Joy Ride 2008-10-07 normal (PP normal / normal) 1.00
Tojo Polaris George Harrison 2008-10-07 normal (PP normal / normal) 0.10
Mainewalk Laura 2008-10-05 normal (PP normal / normal) 2.02
Yankee Cats Quigley 2008-09-12 normal (PP normal / normal) 3.01
Yankee Cats Named B'Elanna 2008-08-25 HD 1 (PP normal / 2) 4.02
Yankee Cats Garibaldi 2003-07-09 normal (OFA good) 2.00
Percy vom Weidebusch 2001-02-22 normal (OFA good) 3.09


I have the examination for PL (patella luxation) carried out by my certified veterinarian. Mild cases (grade 1-2) do not affect the cats, more severe cases (grades 3-4) are noticeable without examination due to symptoms, as the cats visibly limp when the kneecap jumps out of the socket. In general, the recommendation is not to take grade 1 cats out of breeding, but to mate them with PL-free partners.

CatDateResult left/rightAge
Yankee Cats Made In Heaven PP 2025-01-15 normal / normal 1.01
Yankee Cats Jadis the White Witch 2024-02-14 normal / normal 1.00
Yankee Cats Ashly Aisling 2023-05-17 normal / normal 1.03
Yankee Cats Velika Sanjarica 2023-05-17 normal / normal 1.03
Caspian's Snowman 2022-11-16 normal / normal 0.10
Yankee Cats White Patty Pan PP 2022-11-16 Grad 1 / normal 1.03
Yankee Cats Jolene with ivory skin PP 2022-11-16 normal / normal 0.11
Yankee Cats Viva Las Vegas 2021-10-25 normal / normal 2.00
Yankee Cats Q's Joylani Alokea 2021-10-25 normal / normal 1.03
(Dayo) Rhaegar PP of Magic Arcadia 2021-10-25 normal / normal 0.11
Yankee Cats Nanuq the White Bear 2019-09-18 normal / normal 0.11
Fragglerocks Katjes Frozen Yoghurt 2019-06-12 normal / normal 2.00
Olala PP of Magic Arcadia 2019-06-12 Grad 1 / normal 1.04
Zita of Forster's Home 2016-07-04 normal / normal 4.02
Snickers Maximus of Forster's Home 2016-07-04 normal / normal 1.03
Floh of Forster's Home 2016-07-04 normal / normal 1.05
Yankee Cats Xcalibear at Shade-a-lot 2015-08-21 normal / normal 5.07
Yankee Cats Angel of Joy 2015-05-11 normal / normal 1.06
Apanatchee of Chamberlain 2003-05-26 normal / normal 3.10
Yankee Cats Garibaldi 2002-11-11 normal / normal 1.04
Unicoon Micaje Tanka 2002-10-15 normal / normal 2.06
Percy vom Weidebusch 2000-01-07 normal / normal 2.08

Genetic Tests

To list all genetic tests performed here individually would become too confusing. In summary, I can say that all my cats are negative for the HCM gene mutation. On the recessive gene mutations SMA, PKdef and bloodgroup B, which lead to diseases (if at all) only in homozygous expression, my cats are tested, and negative or maximum heterozygous. Of course, the latter will only be paired with a negative partner, so that no homozygous offspring can be born.

Infectious diseases

On contagious respiratory and diarrheal pathogens, I also test regularly, by throat swab for calici, herpes, chlamydia and mycoplasma, as well as fecal samples on Giardia to keep my cattery free from these diseases.