Yankee Cats Leo's bright shining star

Already at birth Lio was my favorite because of his color. When he started to crawl, and always crawled from the litter box on my lap to get his belly petted, the decision was clear that he must stay ;-)

Lio is still mostly white with a minimal touch of color, he is significantly lighter than his already pale silver father. Also his type is great. Lio's character is perfect, very social with other cats which he likes to clean, curious in the middle of everywhere, always friendly and enthusiastic he is on the spot immediately when something interesting happens, and always ready to pick up a quick cuddle.

Lio is sire of the F2, G2, H2-litter.

Photo album
7,2 kg with 5 years
red silver shell
neutered male
13 years 0 months old
Test results:*
normal (3.02)
normal (0.10)
K: normal (3.02)
H: HD 1 OFA mild (1.04)
H: HD 1,25 PP borderline / 2 (1.03)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
14,0% COI, 71,5% Top5, 36,3% Clones (Explanation of what these values mean)
ParentsGrandparentsGreat Grandparents
Yankee Cats Xcalibear at Shade-a-lot
normal (10.05)
normal (7.09)
normal (5.09)
normal (4.00)
normal (1.01)
K: normal (4.00)
H: HD 1 OFA (2.10)
H: normal (1.02)
H: HD 2 PP (1.02)
P: normal/normal (5.07)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
Silverado of the Catwalk
normal (7.10)
normal (1.04)
K: normal (1.04)
G: HCM A31P normal
Cartouche van Ravelingen
Maine Cherish Chelsea
Gladür's Roxette's Joy Ride
normal (2.00)
H: normal PP (1.00)
G: Bloodgroup N/b
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PKD normal
Rock Star van Madango
normal (1.02)
K: normal (1.02)
G: HCM A31P normal
G: HCM A74T normal
Waldemaine Marie
normal (0.11)
K: normal (0.11)
Wild Harmony's Gänseblümchen
normal (8.06)
normal (5.00)
normal (1.11)
normal (0.09)
K: normal (1.11)
H: HD 0,5 OFA (2.06)
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
Justcoons Movie Star
normal (1.10)
Aloa Nifty Wolf
Langstteich DD'Elaine
Esprit of St. Francis
Lapcat Camino
Campari of St. Francis

*Heartscreening: certified, not certified, K: Kidneyscreening, H: Hip-xray, P: Patellascreening, G: Genetic test (smaller font: negative through ancestors). The numbers in () mean testing age in 'Years.Month'.