Yankee Cats Liv Lizrael

The name Liv originally comes from the Old Norse: 'HLIF' (protection, defense) or from 'liv' (life), Lizrael is the guardian angel for those born between the 16th-20th January. Livi was my favorite since birth, although I have told myself constantly not to keep a kitten, but basically I was clear from the beginning that I could not give all kittens away from this special litter.

Liv is a very large cat, with the long body from Dad and Grandpa. Typewise she comes after heir father line. Livi is my baby, she is immediately there when I talk to her, loves to be taken on the arm and carried around, while purring the barely hearable purr that is typically for her. She is a wonderful mother whose children always break the weight records because Mama hardly deviates from their side.

Liv is mother of the Angel, Highlander, Queen, Ursa Major-litter.

Photo album
Pawpeds Entrie
Mcats Entrie
7,5 kg with 12 years
black silver classic torbie
neutered female
13 years 6 months old
Test results:*
normal (10.04)
normal (6.03)
normal (3.07)
normal (1.03)
K: normal (3.07)
H: normal OFA good (1.10)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: PKD normal
G: SMA normal
10,4% COI, 66,1% Top5, 28,4% Clones (Explanation of what these values mean)
ParentsGrandparentsGreat Grandparents
Yankee Cats Quigley
normal (10.03)
normal (7.09)
normal (5.07)
normal (2.03)
K: normal (3.02)
H: normal PP (3.01)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: HCM A31P normal
G: HCM A74T normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: PKD normal
G: SMA normal
Yankee Cats Garibaldi
normal (9.08)
normal (8.00)
normal (6.04)
normal (4.05)
normal (3.00)
normal (1.09)
K: normal (3.00)
H: normal OFA (2.00)
P: normal/normal (1.04)
G: HCM A31P normal
Percy vom Weidebusch
normal (6.01)
normal (4.02)
normal (2.00)
H: normal OFA (3.09)
P: normal/normal (2.08)
Apanatchee of Chamberlain
normal (3.10)
normal (2.06)
P: normal/normal (3.10)
Unicoon Micaje Tanka
normal (8.00)
normal (5.07)
normal (3.02)
normal (1.09)
P: normal/normal (2.06)
Terrificats Johnny Walker Black
normal (12.00)
Unicoon Lotus-of-the Nile
Gladür's Roxette's Joy Ride
normal (2.00)
H: normal PP (1.00)
G: Bloodgroup N/b
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PKD normal
Rock Star van Madango
normal (1.02)
K: normal (1.02)
G: HCM A31P normal
G: HCM A74T normal
Night Shadow van Madango
Destiny's Child van Madango
Waldemaine Marie
normal (0.11)
K: normal (0.11)
Koontucky Captain Blauber
normal (3.01)
G: HCM A31P normal
G: HCM A74T normal
Brigitte zur Waldemaine
normal (2.03)

*Heartscreening: certified, not certified, K: Kidneyscreening, H: Hip-xray, P: Patellascreening, G: Genetic test (smaller font: negative through ancestors). The numbers in () mean testing age in 'Years.Month'.