Yankee Cats White Patty Pan PP

Patty was born as a surprise after her brothers. I thought the birth was already over, and then she came, a girl in light silver as I had wished. From the first moment I wanted to keep her, and since she has developed perfectly so far, she stays :-)

Curious, Patty is always there in front of her brothers, can hardly sit still but has to discover everything. She loves to cuddle and purr, and is not afraid of the vacuum cleaner. She is my jumping cat who often flies through the frame trying to take pictures of others because she jumps after every toy.

PattyPan has developed wonderfully, she is a fantastically beautiful cat with a very light, even silver that looks more chinchilla than shaded.

Patty is mother of the Melon, Narnia-litter.

Photo album
Pawpeds Entrie
Mcats Entrie
4,4 kg with 2 years
black silver shaded
3 years 0 months old
Test results:*
normal (0.10)
H: borderline 0,25 VET normal / borderline (1.03)
P: Grad 1/normal (1.03)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
11,3% COI, 63,4% Top5, 31,2% Clones (Explanation of what these values mean)
ParentsGrandparentsGreat Grandparents
Yankee Cats Nanuq the White Bear
normal (3.01)
normal (1.00)
H: HD 0,5 OFA (0.11)
P: normal/normal (0.11)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
Yankee Cats Xcalibear at Shade-a-lot
normal (10.05)
normal (7.09)
normal (5.09)
normal (4.00)
normal (1.01)
K: normal (4.00)
H: HD 1 OFA (2.10)
H: normal (1.02)
H: HD 2 PP (1.02)
P: normal/normal (5.07)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
Silverado of the Catwalk
normal (7.10)
normal (1.04)
K: normal (1.04)
G: HCM A31P normal
Gladür's Roxette's Joy Ride
normal (2.00)
H: normal PP (1.00)
G: Bloodgroup N/b
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PKD normal
Fragglerocks Katjes Frozen Yoghurt
normal (5.00)
normal (3.00)
normal (0.10)
H: normal OFA (2.00)
P: normal/normal (2.00)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
SilversCoon Kody
normal (3.11)
normal (1.04)
K: normal (3.11)
K: normal (1.04)
G: HCM A31P normal
G: HCM A74T normal
G: PKD normal
G: SMA normal
Fragglerocks Frozen Tequila
normal (6.01)
normal (4.01)
normal (1.01)
K: normal (6.01)
K: normal (4.01)
K: normal (1.01)
G: HCM A31P normal
Olala PP of Magic Arcadia
normal (3.10)
normal (1.03)
K: normal (1.03)
H: normal OFA (1.04)
P: Grad 1/normal (1.04)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
Behold Surprize Dream PP
normal (11.07)
normal (9.10)
normal (8.00)
normal (6.06)
normal (4.06)
normal (3.03)
normal (1.11)
normal (0.09)
K: normal (4.06)
K: normal (0.09)
H: normal PP (1.05)
P: normal/normal (0.08)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: PKD normal
G: SMA normal
Behold When God's People Pray
normal (0.09)
K: normal (0.09)
Behold What Faith Can Do PP
Yankee Cats Lubaya Lioness
normal (5.06)
normal (3.07)
normal (0.11)
K: normal (0.11)
H: HD 1 PP (1.00)
P: normal/normal (1.00)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
Floh of Forster's Home
normal (7.10)
normal (5.05)
normal (3.03)
normal (1.02)
K: normal (1.02)
H: normal OFA (1.05)
H: normal (1.05)
P: normal/normal (1.05)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal
Yankee Cats Angel of Joy
normal (10.00)
normal (7.00)
normal (5.00)
normal (3.00)
normal (0.10)
H: normal OFA (5.10)
P: normal/normal (1.06)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: SMA normal

*Heartscreening: certified, not certified, K: Kidneyscreening, H: Hip-xray, P: Patellascreening, G: Genetic test (smaller font: negative through ancestors). The numbers in () mean testing age in 'Years.Month'.