Lauda Bread of Life "Jamiro"

I am so happy about my new addition "Bread (Red) of Life", the new red one in my life. I call him Jamiro, which means "the beautiful one, the comforter, the wonderful one", because that is what he is to me.

Jamiro has everything I could wish for, for my heart and from a breeder's point of view. He has a wonderful type and pedigree, extensive health care from his ancestors, the color I wanted from the bottom of my heart, and big two-colored lynxtips that make me smile. He is a sweet cuddler and I am excited to get to know him better.

Thank you Rianna for allowing Jamiro to come into my life after he was already firmly in my heart ♥

Photo album
Pawpeds Entrie
Mcats Entrie
red silver shaded white
0 years 4 months old
Test results:*
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PKD normal
G: SMA normal
13,7% COI, 64,4% Top5, 31,9% Clones (Explanation of what these values mean)
ParentsGrandparentsGreat Grandparents
Lauda PP Light of the World
normal (2.04)
K: normal (2.04)
H: normal VET (2.02)
P: normal/normal (2.02)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. normal
G: PKD normal
G: SMA normal
G: XI Def. normal
Makanacoon St Lucia Louie
normal (6.04)
normal (4.05)
normal (2.02)
normal (0.08)
H: normal PP (0.08)
CoonOpry Rocky Top
RockStarCats Rainboz
Lauda PP Flash of Lightning
normal (2.10)
normal (1.01)
H: HD 1 PP (1.00)
Dynamicats PP FireWorks
normal (8.00)
normal (6.09)
normal (4.09)
Dynamicats Double Trouble
normal (7.06)
normal (5.09)
normal (4.01)
normal (3.01)
normal (1.01)
Lauda Stars and Angels Sing
normal (1.06)
K: normal (1.06)
G: Bloodgroup N/N
G: HCM A31P normal
G: PK Def. heterozygot
G: PKD normal
G: SMA normal
G: XI Def. heterozygot
Peculiar Cloud Dancer
normal (3.02)
normal (1.06)
LunarWindrush Feline Fantasy
AmazingTigers Blueberry
Lauda The Word Is Love
normal (2.10)
normal (1.02)
Dynamicats PP FireWorks
normal (8.00)
normal (6.09)
normal (4.09)
AtlanticAcadia Ruby Tuesday
normal (7.09)
normal (5.11)
normal (4.02)
normal (2.08)
normal (1.06)
H: HD 0,5 PP (1.06)

*Heartscreening: certified, not certified, K: Kidneyscreening, H: Hip-xray, P: Patellascreening, G: Genetic test (smaller font: negative through ancestors). The numbers in () mean testing age in 'Years.Month'.